Takashina no Nakayuki (高階仲行)

TAKASHINA no Nakayuki (1121 - 1179) was a retainer of the Imperial Court at the end of Heian period. He was a child of Daizen no daibu (Master of the Palace Table) 高階仲範. He had children Nagamoto, Nakakuni, etc. He was Jugoinojo (Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade) and Kurodo (Chamberlain).

He served the father and son of FUJIWARA no Tadazane and FUJIWARA no Yorinaga from early on, and served as Zengu (leader of a procession) of Yorinaga in 1135 and Kurodo of Kayano-in FUJIWARA no Taishi (daughter of Tadazane) in 1141. He became Keishi (household superintendent) of Yorinaga in 1148 and Keishi of his child FUJIWARA no Moronaga in 1149.

In 1156, Yorinaga died in action during the Hogen War and Tadazane was confined in the Chisoku-In Temple in Nara. He continued to serve Tadazane later on. "Fukego," a collection of the sayings of FUJIWARA no Tadamitsu, a record of discourse of Tadazane mainly during this period, is important as historical material about Yusoku kojitsu (court and samurai rules of ceremony and etiquette) still practiced to this day.

After Tadazane died in 1162, he is reported to have been a priest and lived in the neighborhood of Shitenno-ji Temple. He died in 1179 at the age of 59.

[Original Japanese]